Hanna Rydza

Hana Antal, M.A.

+49 (0) 341 97 35 515


Hana Antal was born 1992 in Pistian, Slovakia. From 2012 to 2018, she studied toward a bachelor's and master's degree in social sciences with a focus on political theory, the history of ideas and East Central Europe at Berlin’s Humboldt University. From 09/2014 to 03/2019, she was a student assistant at the Chair of Theory of Politics, HU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Herfried Münkler). From 11/2018 to 03/2019, she worked on the project »German-Czech Relations in Figures«, funded by the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Prague, and the German Association for East European Studies (DGO), Berlin. From 07/2018 to 09/2018, she completed an internship in the editorial department of the journal Osteuropa in Berlin, and from 05/2015 to 07/2015, an internship in the field of press and public relations at Mehr Demokratie e.V., Berlin. Since 07/2011, she has been doing translation work for PhDr. Gabriel Fusek, CSc., at the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Neutra (Slovak into German).

Hana Antal has been a research assistant in the Junior Research Group »Contrasting East Central Europe« at the GWZO since April 2019.

Work focus

  • Civil society discourses

  • Democratisation and transformation processes in East Central Europe

  • Nationalism and populism

Current topic of research

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