§ 1 Name, Seat, Purpose, Business Year
(1) The Institute carries the name »Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) Ltd«, also referred to by the abbreviation »Institute« in the following. The use of the abbreviation »GWZO« is permitted. The association has its seat in Leipzig and is listed in the register of associations.
(2) The Institute is charged with researching the history and culture of Eastern Europe from the Early Middle Ages to the present. This research is primarily focused on the area between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic, taking into account its interrelations with adjacent regions as well as other global regions. With its research, the GWZO also contributes to a deeper understanding of the current political, economic and societal developments in the states, societies, and cultures of Eastern Europe.
§ 5 Bodies of the Association
(1) The association’s bodies are:
a) the general assembly;
b) the board of trustees;
c) the board (director);
d) the academic advisory committee.
Deputy Director
Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg
Prof. Dr. Maren Röger
Chief Executive Officer
Antje Schneegaß
Division of Directorate
Library and the Digital
Division of the Directorate
Transfer and Publishing
The GWZO's funding bodies
The federal government, the Free State of Saxony and many other scientific funding bodies make it possible for the GWZO to carry out its work.
As a Leibniz Institute, the GWZO has been jointly funded by the federal government and state government since 2017. This funding supports the research of three research departments as well as the work of the cross-sectional department for knowledge transfer and networking.
When it was originally founded, the GWZO was funded for twelve years by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Subsequently, from 2008 to 2016, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provided project funding for the research conducted at the Institute. Basic funding has been provided in part by the government of Saxony and in part by the federal government since 1996. The BMBF granted additional generous funding for the sub-project »Social Environment – Visual« (visualization and architectural design of the social environment, 2017–2019). The institute's admission into the Leibniz Association has enabled the further development of the research programme and the creation of science-based transfer products (editions, manuals, handbooks and exhibitions). Finally, further third-party-funded projects and numerous events are financed by other funding organisations.