Direktorin Prof. Dr. Maren Röger

Prof. Dr. Maren Röger

Director Member of the Board
+49 (0) 341 97 35 560


Maren Röger studied cultural studies, media studies and history at the universities of Lüneburg and Wrocław, Poland. She was awarded her doctorate from the University of Giessen in 2010 for a study on the German-Polish culture of remembrance regarding the forced migration of Germans. From 2010 to 2015, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw and 2014, Visiting Professor at the University of Hamburg. From 2015 to 2021 she was Junior Professor, and from 2021 Full Professor of History (Entangled History of Germany and Eastern Europe)  at the University of Augsburg. From 2017 to 2021 she was also Director of the Bukovina-Institute. Following the positive interim evaluation of her junior professorship (2018), she was appointed Senior Lecturer in Eastern European History as well as Modern and Contemporary History (2021).

Maren Röger has been Director of the GWZO and Professor of Eastern European/East-Central European History at the University of Leipzig since November 2021.

Work focus

  • History of East-Central Europe from the 19th to the 21st century
  • Comparative contemporary European history
  • History of migration and forced migrations in the 19th and 20th centuries; »flight and expulsion« [»Flucht und Vertreibung«]
  • History of violence, especially Second World War history and the Holocaust
  • Cultures of remembrance and the politics of memory in Eastern Europe
  • History of political communication, media history and public history
  • Gender and sexuality history
  • Nationalism studies


Functions and memberships

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Max Weber Foundation (since 2023)
  • Co-director of the Leipzig branch of the German Association for East European Studies [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO)] (since 2023)
  • Spokesperson of the Leibniz Research Network »Central and Eastern Europe« [Leibniz-Forschungsnetzwerk östliches Europa] (since 2022)
  • Member of the  Advisory Board of the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation [Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung] (since 2022)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Fritz Bauer Institute (since 2022)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the journal »Praca Literaturoznawcze« (since 2021)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the journal »Spiegelungen« (since 2020)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies [Fachinformationsdienst Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (DFG)] (since 2017)
  • Member of the  advisory board of the »Weimar Rendez-vous with History« [»Weimarer Rendez-Vous«] (a trinational French-Polish-German history festival) (since 02/2013)
  • Member of the advisory board of »Zeitgeschichte online« (since 4/2011)
  • Member of the International Evaluation Commission of the University of Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic (12/2020)
  • Co-opted board member of the Commission for the History and Culture of the Germans in Southeast Europe [Kommission für Geschichte und Kultur der Deutschen in Südosteuropa e.V.] (KGKDS) () (11/2019–10/2021)
  • Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the Bukovina–Institute (4/2016-9/2021)
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the project »The Federal Ministry for Displaced Persons, Refugees and War-Affected Persons (1949–-1969)« [»Das Bundesministerium für Vertriebene, Flüchtlinge und Kriegsgeschädigte (1949–1969)«] (2018-2021)
  • Member of the feedback committee for the historical didactics project »Racisms in Colonialism and National Socialism« [»Rassismen in Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus«] of the Foundation for Remembrance, Responsibility, Future [Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft (EVZ)]  (2016-2018)
  • Member of the steering group in the Leibniz project »Private Life and Privacy in National Socialism« [»Das Private im Nationalsozialismus«], a joint project of the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History, the University of Nottingham and the German Historical Institute Warsaw (2013-2016)
  • Member of the Faculty Commission for Teaching and Studies [fakultäre Kommission für Lehre und Studium] (11/2019-9/2021)
  • Elected professorial member of the Faculty Council at the Faculty of Philological and Historical Studies of the University of Augsburg (9/2017–9/2019)
  • Mentor in the programme for young female scientists at the University of Augsburg (UniMento, 2016)
  • Equal Opportunities Officer at the DHI Warsaw (11/2010–3/2015)


  • Since 2021 Co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies
  • Since 2021 Co-editor of the GWZO series »Visuelle Geschichtskultur«, »Armenier im östlichen Europa – Armenians in Eastern Europe«, »Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa«, »Leipzig Studies on the History and Culture of East-Central Europe« and »Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia«
  • Since 2021, co-editor of the GWZO annual journal »Mitropa«
  • Since 2020 co-editor of the »Journal für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa (JKGE)« (DeGruyter)
  • 2020-2021 Co-editor of the »Danubiana Carpathica. Yearbook for History and Culture in the German Settlement Areas of Southeast Europe« (DeGruyter)
  • Since 2021, member of the advisory board  of »Prace Literaturoznawcze«

Awards and scholarships

  • Scholarship for excellent young academics as part of the Bavarian equal opportunities program (bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung) (part-time, 12/2020–6/2021)
  • Prize of the Department of History at the University of Augsburg for special commitment to teaching (for exhibition #Postkartenfieber, 10/2019)
  • Special prize from »Geisteswissenschaften International - Preis zur Förderung der Übersetzung geisteswissenschaftlicher Werke« for the translation of the book »Kriegsbeziehungen« (05/2016)
  • Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History (Category A) of the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide for the manuscript »Sexualpolitik und Besatzeralltag in Polen 1939-1945: Prostitution, Intimität, Gewalt« (10/2014, published in March 2015 under the title »Kriegsbeziehungen«)
  • Scholarship holder of the »Fast Track« program of the Robert Bosch Foundation (10/2014-10/2016)
  • DFG doctoral scholarship as part of the Research Training Group »Transnational Media Events from the Early Modern Period to the Present« [»Transnationale Medienereignisse von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart«], University of Giessen (11/2006-10/2009)


Supervised dissertations

Completed Dissertations

  • Jakub Gałęziowski, M.A.: Zmącone biografie. Powojenne losy dzieci (urodzonych) z (powodu) wojny [published in 2022 by Krytyka Polityczna under the title: Niedopowiedziane biografie. Polskie dzieci urodzone z powodu wojny, awarded the prize for the best debut in the historical sciences of the journal Polityka 2023, funded by: Horizon 2020, Intern. Training Network, cotutelle with the University of Warsaw, currently Research Assistant  at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw]
  • Philipp Kröger, M.A.: Die deutsche Nationalitätenstatistik und ihr Blick auf Ostmitteleuropa, 1860–1945 [published in 2023 by Wallstein under the title: Das vermessene Volk. Nationalitätenstatistik und Bevölkerungspolitik in Deutschlands östlichen Grenzländern, awarded the prize of the Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik e.V. (GWMT) 2022, Förderung: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, currently Research Assistant at the Chair of Contemporary History at the University of Siegen]

Ongoing Dissertations

  • Ilona Dauw, M.A.: The Spanish Flu in Belgium and Poland [Funded by Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Cotutelle with the Université catholique de Louvain, Associate Researcher at the GWZO]
  • Lisa Füchte, M.A.: The Care Side of Work: (In)Visibilities of Care Work in Visions of the Future, Daily Realities and Gaze after the Russian Revolutions of 1917 [Researcher at GWZO]
  • Polina Gundarina, M.A.: Socialist Palaces of Culture After 1991: Spatial and Societal Aspects of Transformation [researcher at GWZO]
  • Lisa Haberkern, M.A.: Upper Silesian family memories [Funded by: Horizon 2020, Intern. Training Network, now Managing Director of Kulturwerk Schlesien]
  • Vincent Hoyer, M.A.: Leisure under Control? - The Politicization of Pleasure Cultures in the Multiethnic Cities of Warsaw, Poznan, and Lviv 1890–1914 [Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG), Intern: German Research Foundation (DFG), Research Associate  at the GWZO]
  • Michal Korhel, M.A.: On the Nation’s Border: Czech-German Children in Post-WWII Czechoslovakia, 1945–1960 [Funded by: Horizon 2020, Intern. Training Network, now project collaborator at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cotutelle with the University J. E. Purkiyně Ústí nad Labem]
  • Johannes Leonte, M.A.: Heinrich Zillich - A political biography [Project collaborator at the IKGS Munich in the reappraisal of Heinrich Zillich's diaries, funded by: Immanuel Kant Scholarship from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media]
  • Lilit Mnatsakanyan, M.A.: Constructive Relativities: Deconstructing the idea of East/ern Europe in Armenian Sources [Erasmus + Research scholarship]
  • Daria Reznyk, M.A.: Living with the deportation experience: an oral history of mass deportations from the western part of Ukraine (1944–1953) [Funded by: doctoral scholarship of the KAAD – Katholischer akadamischer Ausländer-Dienst]
  • Schorr, Julian, M.A.: The Regional Parliament of Bukovina: Effects and Achievements of Regional Parliamentarism 1861-1910 [Der Bukowiner Landtag – Wirkungen und Leistungen des Regionalparlamentarismus 1861–1910]  
  • Alexander Weidle, M.Ed.: Institutionalized Memory and its Limits: The Homeland Society and Life Stories of »Bukovina Germans« [Landsmannschaft und Lebensgeschichten der »Buchenlanddeutschen«] [Funded by: Cusanus-Werk, also Research Assistant at the Simon Dubnow Institute; previously Research Assistant and Researcher at the Bukovina-Institute with funding from the BKM; Associated Researcher at the GWZO].


Maren Röger has taught a wide range of courses at the Universities of Giessen (2009), Hamburg (2014/15) and Augsburg (2015-2021), in the fields of History, Art and Cultural History, Interdisciplinary European Studies. She has been teaching and lecturing at the Department of History of Leipzig University since summer semester 2022.


Current topic of research

This Polish-German cooperative project explores the iconography of Polish-German-Jewish relationships in the first decades of the »visual age«, that is, from the 1890s to the 1930s. Visual mass media became central to world perception in this phase, while German-Polish-Jewish relationships grew increasingly adversarial.

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At the junction of economic and cultural history, this section researches the producers of visual media in the multi-ethnic regions of Eastern Europe around 1900—for the semantics of the visual worlds around ethnicity in Eastern Europe cannot be separated from their production, distribution and marketing.

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