Digital Expert Forums
The GWZO contributes to online knowledge
Historical and interdisciplinary academic exchange is increasingly taking place on digital platforms and in digital journals. Electronic expert forums and e-journals are a key means by which the Institute's staff disseminate their research results to specialist audiences. Participation in editorial offices offers the GWZO the opportunity to set topics and initiate discussions. At the same time, specialist forums and e-journals offer attractive and easily accessible publication opportunities for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Writing reviews, as well as research and conference reports and short contributions to discussion forums and e-journals, are essential parts of achieving academic qualifications and everyday tasks in science.
H-Soz-Kult is a moderated information and communication platform for historians and interdisciplinary historical research. GWZO staff members contribute to H-Soz-Kult with leading responsibilities in the areas of East Central European and transnational research.
The Clio-online portal offers subject-specific information for historical studies and adjacent fields. Clio-online offers not just comprehensive registries of researchers, institutions and online reviews, but also access to various thematic portals.
Connections is an e-journal with peer reviews for supra-regional, transnational, world and global history. It carries forward the work of geschichte.transnational, which began serving as a review forum 2004.
The Premodern East Slavic Europe Network aims to pool expertise on premodernity in Eastern European history in order to strengthen this field of research and increase its visibility.
The Deputy Director of the GWZO, Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg, is a founding member and one of the coordinators of the network.
The portal »Copernico. History and Cultural Heritage in Eastern Europe« aims to make scientific research more visible and opens up new ways of preserving and communicating cultural heritage to the public.
European History Online, EGO for short, depicts the last 500 years of history on the European continent across state, national and cultural borders. EGO’s topic pages enable deeper research by directly linking with multi-media offerings and sources.