Knowledge about Eastern Europe – in published form
The GWZO's wide range of publications reflects the diversity of the methods and subjects covered by the Institute's staff. These publications are key to making research results known in the academic world, and they are available to scholars for discussions and further research. The specialised books and handbooks, the comprehensive and superbly illustrated exhibition catalogues as well as revised editions make the knowledge on Eastern Europe and its history produced at the Institute accessible to a broad, interested readership.

Open access – free knowledge for all
Whenever possible, the GWZO aims to make its research results freely accessible. The GWZO serials and the annual magazine Mitropa are all published in open access. The availability of these publications is aimed at further increasing the GWZO’s profile specifically in East and East-Central Europe, promoting academic exchange and giving impetus for collaboration with partners on site.
The GWZO’s book series
At the core of the GWZO’s publishing strategy lies the interdisciplinary orientation of its in-house book series and their publication by internationally renowned publishers. The GWZO is currently issuing five primarily German-language series. The platform has also, for some time, been offering an additional English-language series to reach an international readership directly. Numerous further subject specific series are published in cooperation with the GWZO.
The GWZO hosts three ongoing large handbook projects and is completing them in cooperation with colleagues from East-Central European countries:
- Handbuch zu Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa [Handbook on the History of Art in East-Central Europe]
- Handbuch einer transnationalen Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas [Handbook of Transnational History of East-Central Europe]
- Handbook »International Law and History: Eastern Europe in a Global Perspective«
Further publications (specialist and non-fiction books)
In addition to the GWZO's own book series and the GWZO-related cooperation series, the Institute's researchers publish monographs, anthologies and source editions in other series or without series affiliation with various European and North American presses. In addition, the researchers at the institute are repeatedly in demand as non-fiction authors.
Exhibition catalogues
For the exhibitions prepared and curated by the GWZO, catalogues, guides, colloquium volumes and the like, accompanying the exhibitions are also compiled and supervised in-house.
New release

Compass East Central Europe. Critical contributions to art history, Volume 3
Master Ludwig - Peter Parler - Anton Pilgram. Architect and sculptor? On a fundamental problem of medieval studies. Three studies by Achim Hubel, Jens Rüffer and Gábor Endrődi. Edited by Jirí Fajt and Markus Hörsch. Ostfildern 2021.
Questions about the training, specific professional profile and field of activity of medieval architects have long been core questions of research. However, sources are often not easy to interpret and the status of architects has not developed uniformly in European countries. In the contributions of three renowned researchers, this book concentrates on one key question -- namely the craftsmanship training and subsequent possible artistic activity of the master craftsmen, with a focus on Central Europe.
A more general overview (Achim Hubel) is combined with two studies relating to individuals of particular importance: Peter Parler (Jens Rüffer) and Anton of Brno, called Pilgram (Gábor Endrődi). Methodological approaches and results are different and therefore also lead to contrary results. This shows what drives academic research forward and makes it exciting: well-founded argumentation in a sometimes controversial discourse.