Archaeozoology of Kyivan Rus’
The project aims to fill the gaps in studies of animal remains from early medieval Rus’ (9th–13th centuries), especially from its southern areas such as Kyiv, Chernihiv and the surrounding regions.

Archaeozoology of Kyivan Rus’: the state of research and prospects
Archaeozoology, which provides many new insights into the way of life in the pre-industrial age, is one of the most promising branches of archaeology today. Its application on the territories of modern Ukraine sheds new light on the early medieval history of Eastern Europe. Data on the relationship between humans and animals from the southern regions of early Rus’, in particular from Kyiv, Chernihiv and their surroundings, are collected and compared with numerous written and iconographic sources as well as rich archaeological finds from early medieval Europe. This study focuses on the role of nature, especially animals in shaping East Slavic religious practices. It is already clear that Kyiv, where a lively exchange between the Western European and Byzantine worlds took place, was an important political and religious centre of early medieval Rus’.