Dr. Tomasz Dzieńkowski
17.04.2023 - 05.05.2023
Archaeology Medieval Studies
National Science Centre Poland
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
Research regions
Central and Western Europe
Research focuses
- Medieval period
- archaeology
- settlements
- strongholds
- motte and bailey castle
- geoarchaeology
Publications (selection)
- Dzieńkowski T., 2021, Early medieval settlement in the Chełm Land, U źródeł Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej / Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas, 7, Kraków, Leipzig, Rzeszów, Warszawa.
- Buko A., Dzieńkowski T., Gołub S., Kruk P.M., Michalik M., Musin A., Rafalska-Łasocha A., Wołoszyn M., 2021, Fragments of a steatite icon (diptych wing) with the Great Feasts cycle excavated in Chełm (eastern Poland), Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 114(1): 111–138.
- Dzieńkowski, T., Wołoszyn, M, Florkiewicz, I., Dobrowolski, R., Rodzik, J., Hajdas, I., Krąpiec, M., 2020. Digging the history. Absolute chronology of the settlement complex at Czermno-Cherven’ (eastern Poland). Research status and perspectives. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 72 (2), 409-466. 4)
- Dzieńkowski T. 2018, Early Medieval settlement in the area of the mouth of the Huczwa river to the Bug river in the light of surface surveys and research excavations, as well as stray finds, [w:] M. Wołoszyn (red.), The early medieval settlement complex at Gródek upon the Bug River in the light of results from past research (1952-1955). Material evidence / Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas 4, Kraków–Leipzig–Rzeszów–Warszawa, 75–138.
- Dobrowolski R., Rodzik J., Mroczek P., Zagórski P., Bałaga K., Wołoszyn M., Dzieńkowski T., Hajdas I., Fedorowicz S. 2018, Environmental conditions of settlement in the vicinity of the mediaeval capital of the Cherven Towns (Czermno site, Hrubieszów Basin, Eastern Poland), Quaternary International 493, 258–271.