Byzantine amphorae from East-Central and Eastern Europe
The analysis of amphorae finds from the Polish-Rus’ borderland and other countries in 10th-13th century contexts will provide information about technology, organization of production and consumption, economic system and political contacts of the studied regions.

Byzantine amphorae from East-Central and Eastern Europe. Distribution and technological analysis
The assemblage of finds from medieval state Old Rus’ includes a vast quantity of amphorae, meaning containers used for transporting wine, olive oil and other substances. While many amphorae are recorded in the northern regions (e.g., Novgorod) their largest number is known from southern Rus’ (Kyiv, Chernihiv). In general, amphorae have been regarded as Byzantine imports. Archaeometry is widely used for the identification of places of production and types of commodities which were transported. The analysis of amphorae finds from the Polish-Rus’ borderland and other countries in 10th-13th century contexts will provide an information about technology, organization of production and consumption, economic system and political contacts of the studied regions.