Susanne Jaeger

Dr. Susanne Jaeger

Researcher Exhibition Coordinator
+49 (0) 341 234264 33


Susanne Jaeger was born in Siegen, Germany. She studied art history, Slavic philology (Russian and Polish) and heritage preservation at the universities of Münster, Bamberg, Mainz and Berlin (TU and FU). From 1988 to 1989, she was a DAAD scholarship holder at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. From 1994 to 2002, she was Junior Researcher at the Technical University of Berlin and between 1997 and 2002, she held research fellowships in St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Perm' and Moscow (DAAD). She received her PhD from the TU Berlin in 2003. From 2003 to 2007, she was a researcher at the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). In 2008, she was Interim Professor of Monument Conservation and Applied Building Research at the TU Dresden.
Susanne Jaeger has carried out teaching assignments since 1995. She contributed to the preparation and implementation of a postgraduate master programme for heritage preservation (TU Berlin) as well as to the preparation of the graduate school »Art History – Building Research – Monument Preservation« – (TU Berlin/University Bamberg). She was also Coordinator and Lecturer on the Master’s Programme »Heritage Conservation and Urban Development«.
She has been a researcher at the GWZO since November 2008: first as a coordinator for international exhibition projects, then as held the staff position »Exhibitions at the GWZO« (2014-2016). From 2017 to 2022 she was a researcher in the department »Knowledge Transfer and Networking«; since 2023, she has been a researcher in the department »Culture and Imagination«.



  • 2024: BELLUM & ARTES. Europe and the Thirty Years’ War (Brussels), together with the Dresden State Art Collections and the House of European History in Brussels
  • 2021: BELLUM & ARTES. Saxony and the Thirty Years’ War (Dresden) together with the Dresden State Art Collections
  • 2016-2017: Charles IV (1316-2016). The first Bavarian-Czech State Exhibition (Prague/Nuremberg), together with Národní galerie Praha and the House of Bavarian History, Augsburg
  • 2014-2015: Fantastic Worlds. Albrecht Altdorfer and the Expressivity of Art around 1500. (Frankfurt a. Main/Vienna) together with the Städel Museum Frankfurt and the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
  • 2012-2013: EUROPA JAGELLONICA (1386-1572). Art and Culture in Central Europe under the Rule of the Jagiellons (Kuttenberg/Warsaw/Potsdam)



  • Konzeption und Koordination des internationalen Kooperations- und    Ausstellungsprojekts »BELLUM ET ARTES. Mitteleuropa während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges« (2021–2027) in Kooperation mit Dr. Claudia Brink von den Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • Vorbereitung, Konzeption und Koordination des internationalen Ausstellungsprojekts »Metropolis Thuringiae - Erfurt und Thüringen im Mittelalter zwischen West- und Ostmitteleuropa« (vorauss. 2026–2027) in Kooperation mit dem Angermuseum Erfurt, den Geschichtsmuseen Erfurt u.a.
  • Leitende Koordinatorin und Ko-Kuratorin der internationalen Ausstellung »Kaiser Karl IV. 1316–2016. Erste Bayerisch-Tschechische Landesausstellung« (2016–2017) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Nationalgalerie Prag, dem Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte Augsburg und dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum Nürnberg
  • Ko-Kuratorin und begleitende Koordination der internationalen Ausstellung »Fantastische Welten. Albrecht Altdorfer und das Expressive in der Kunst um 1500« (Oktober 2014–Juni 2015) gemeinsam mit dem Städelmuseum und der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung in Frankfurt a.M. und dem Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien
  • Ko-Kuratorin und leitende Koordinatorin der internationalen Ausstellung »Europa Jagellonica. Kunst und Kultur unter der Herrschaft der Jagiellonen 1386–1572« (Mai 2012–Juni 2013) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Mittelböhmischen Galerie (GASK) in Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg), dem Königsschloss und dem Nationalmuseum in Warschau sowie dem Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte in Potsdam


She taught at the TU Berlin, Institute for Art Studies (1995-1997), Institute for Building Research and Monument preservation (1998-2002) and at theTU Dresden, Master’s Programme »Heritage Preservation and Urban Planning« (2003-2008).


Current topic of research

Together with twelve partners from seven countries, the research and exhibition project examines and presents the effects of the Thirty Years' War on the arts, artists and their patrons in Central Europe.

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