Stephan Krause

Dr. Stephan Krause

+49 (0) 341 97 35 581


Stephan Krause was born in Berlin. From 1995 to 2003, he studied German and French at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB). From 2001 to 2002, he was a German teacher in Guingamp, Brittany. From 2001 to 2004/2012, he studied Hungarian (Master’s Degree) at the HUB . From 2004 to 2006, he held teaching assignments at the Universities of Pécs and Budapest (ELTE). From 2006 to 2011, he was DAAD-lecturer in German studies at the University of Szczecin,Poland. In 2008, he received his doctorate under the supervision of Frank Hörnigk from the HU Berlin with a dissertation entitled »Topographies of the Unachieved. Franz Fühmann’s Writing and the Mine« [»Topographien des Unvollendbaren. Franz Fühmanns Schreiben und das Bergwerk«].

From 2011 to 2012, Stephan Krause held a DAAD-scholarship at the GWZO in the research project »Playgrounds of Insubordination« [»Spielplätze der Verweigerung«]. He was then researcher at GWZO within that same project group. From 2014 onwards, he was a researcher in the project »Cultural Icons of East-Central Europe« [»Kulturelle Ikonen Ostmitteleuropas«]. Since 2017 he has been a researcher in the department »Culture and Imagination«.

Work focus

  • Literary aesthetics
  • Literature and intermediality
  • Literary theory
  • Literatures of East-Central Europe in East-West and global contexts
  • Poetics and politics
  • Reception theory
  • Literature and other arts
  • Cinema and film of East-Central Europe
  • Hungarian, German, Polish and French contemporary literatures


Functions (on committees)/memberships

  • Vice-president of the Nemzetközi Magyarságtudomány Társaság [International Society of Hungarian Studies]
  • Member of the Általános Irodalomtudományi Kutatócsoport (ÁITK), Budapest [Research Group in Literature Studies]
  • Member of the German Association of Romance Languages Scholars [Deutscher Romanistenverband]


Series issuance

  • Editor of Mitropa
  • Member of the editorial board of Hungarian Studies (Editor in Chief Andrea Seidler, Vienna)
  • Member of the editorial board of Convivium – Jahrbuch der polnischen Germanistik (Ed. by Gudrun Heidemann, Joanna Jabłkowska, Łódź, and Beata Mikołajczyk, Poznań)
  • Member of the editorial board of Central European Cultures (Editors in Chief Farkas Gábor Kiss and Zoltán Kulcsár-Szabó, Budapest)


2010 Award of the Head of the University of Szczecin [Nagroda indywidualna stopnia II] for his dissertation thesis



Stephan Krause teaches courses at the University of Leipzig, HU Berlin, University of Szczecin, University of Pécs and ELTE Budapest.

Current topic of research