Beáta Hock studied art theory and comparative literature at the Eötvös Lóránd University inBudapest. From 1998 to 2002, she held a research fellowship at the Artpool Art Research Center in Budapest. She received her MA und PhD degrees in Comparative Gender Studies from the Central European University Budapest (2001-2008). Her doctoral thesis dealt with women in filmmaking and the visual arts in state-socialist and postsocialist Hungary. She carried out study and research stays at Beloit College, USA; the Humboldt University of Berlin; and the School of the Art Institute, Chicago. She has been a Visiting Professor at The Courtauld Institute of Art, London (2015/16) and the University of Vienna (2021/22). In the academic year 2023/24, she is Acting Chair of Eastern European Art History at the Institute of Art and Visual History (Humboldt University of Berlin).
Beáta Hock has been a researcher at the GWZO since 2011. She has worked within the project groups “East-Central Europe from Transnational Perspectives” and “Cultural Icons of East-Central Europe”. Since 2017, she has been in the department “Entanglements and Globalization”. From 2022 to 2024 is leading the Traveling Seminars Project “Linking (Art) Worlds: American Art and Eastern Europe in the Cold War and Since”. She is currently on leave.
Work focus
- East-Central European art and cultural history in the 20th century
- The cultural dimensions of the global Cold War
- Women’s history, feminist cultural theory and gendered artistic practice
- Race and ethnicity in East European art and exhibition history; decolonial museology
Kuratorische Tätigkeit
- »Left Performance Histories« (2018 Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin), kuratiert gemeinsam mit dem DFG-geförderten Netzwerk »Aktionskunst jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs«
- »Agents and Provocateurs« (2009 ICA Dunaújváros, Ungarn, Hartware Mediumkunstverein, Dortmund), kuratiert gemeinsam mit Franciska Zolyom
Functions (on committees)/memberships
- Affiliated member of ERIAC: European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture
- Member of the editorial committee of Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV)
- Member of the Board of Trustees Margit Kaffka Prize
- Member of German Association for Art History
- Affiliate Researcher, EEGA: Eastern Europe Global Area Leibniz Campus
- Member of the editorial board of ARTMargins: Art - Curating - Media - Politics - Transition, MIT Press (2012-2014)
- Member of the DFG Research Network “Action Art on Either Side of the Iron Curtain” [[»Aktionskunst jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs«] (2015–2018)
Series editorship
- General editor of “The Cultural History of the Avantgarde in Central and Eastern Europe”, I-IV. (Brill Publishing)
- Co-editor of “Praesens: Central European Contemporary Art Review” (2003–2006, Budapest)
Beáta Hock has taught at the Central European University and at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest as well as at the Global and European Studies Institutes of the University of Leipzig.