Prof. Tatyana Bakhmetyeva, PhD
24.06.2024 - 08.07.2024
Forschungsthema am GWZO:
The Scales of Ice: The Fedchenko Glacier and Modern Climate Science
University of Rochester, NY, USA
- Gendergeschichte
- Umweltgeschichte
- Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
- “Diplomacy in the Woods: Nature, Hunting, Masculinity, and Soviet Diplomacy under N.S. Khrushchev,” Diplomatica: a Journal of Diplomacy and Society 4 (2022): 269–305.
- “Oral Environmental History and Community-Based Participatory Research: Studying Climate Change in Ladakh, India,” Oral History Review 49, no. 1 (2022): 56–76 (with Stewart Weaver and Daniel Rinn).
- “The Politics of Trees: the Logging of Białowieża Forest and the Debate on Polish National Identity,” in E. Johann, J. Jusmin, J. Woitsch, eds., European Forests – Our Cultural Heritage (Prague: Nová Tiskárna Pelhřimov & Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2021): 121–136.
- “Ecofeminism, Maternalism, and the Carnivalesque: The Spatial Politics of Women’s Environmental Movement in Poland,” Feminist Formations 33, no. 2 (2021): 79–105.
- Mother of the Church: Sophia Svechina, the Salon, and the Politics of Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Russia and France (University of Northern Illinois Press, 2016). Winner of 2018 Harry Koenig Book Award, American Catholic Historical Association.