Alexander Weidle

Alexander Weidle, M.Ed.

Science Communication
+49 (0) 341 97 35 564


Alexander Weidle studied history, German, and educational sciences for teaching at high schools at the University of Augsburg from 2011 to 2017 (1. State examination 2017). From 2017 to 2018, he completed a teacher-focused master’s degree at the University of Augsburg including a stay abroad at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. From 2019 to 2020, he was a research associate at the Bukovina-Institute at the University of Augsburg, responsible for Science Communication and Project Leader of the oral history project »Bukovina-Germans. Inventions, Experiences and Stories of a Community« (funded in part by the Federal Government’s Commission for Culture and Media (BKM)). From 2021 to 2024, he has been a doctoral scholarship holder of the Cusanuswerk. From 2021 to 2024, he has been a research assistant in the project »Turning Object into Subject. Communicating Jewish Everyday Culture in Germany« at the Leibniz-Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow.

Alexander Weidle has been an affiliated researcher in the department »Culture and Imagination« at the GWZO since February 2022. He is working on a doctoral dissertation tentatively entitled: »Institutionalized Memory and its Limits. The Landsmannschaft and the Life Stories of Buchenland Germans«. Since 2024 he is responsible for science communication and scientific editing at the GWZO.

Work Focus

  • Memory cultures oral history
  • History of migration and forced migration in the modern age, »Flight and Expulsion«
  • Nationalism

Functions and Memberships

2020-2022 Member of the Editorial Board, »Danubiana Carpathica. Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kultur in den deutschen Siedlungsgebieten Südosteuropas (DeGruyter)«.

since 2021 Member of the Editorial Board, Textbooks »Communicating Jewish Everyday Culture in Germany« (Leibniz-Institut for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow).


Alexander Weidle has taught courses and workshops at the Universities of Augsburg, Leipzig and Gießen.

Knowledge transfer

Alexander Weidle has realized numerous projects in the field of (digital) knowledge transfer, including the thematic issues »Communicating Jewish Everyday Culture« (Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture - Simon Dubnow), the short documentary »Shantel und die Bukowina - Musik, Migration und eine Familiengeschichte« (Bezirk Schwaben) or the commented music video series »The Sounds of Bukovina. Music Cultures of a multi-ethnic region« (

The »German Resettlers from Bucovina« became a »Buchenland German Community« only after the end of the Second World War. The project examines the meaningful and identity-forming practices of the »Landsmannschaft der Buchenlanddeutschen« and, drawing on a large scale Oral History project, explores the limitations of community formation

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