Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa [Research on the History and Culture of Eastern Central Europe]
Launched in 1995, this publication series is, as it were, the GWZ0’s in-house brand. Aimed at creating lasting profiles of the cultural-studies field of East-Central Europe in the academic public, it serves both the centre’s identity as a whole as well as its individual research fields. The volumes were initially published in the Akademie Verlag Berlin, the Leipzig University Press, Franz Steiner, and Böhlau. From volumes 57 onwards the series appeares with Sandstein. All volumes from 52 onwards are also available in open access.

Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensa
Appearing since 2005, this monograph series is the flagship of the GWZO’s art-historical research. The series title Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia stands for the integrative power of the Jagiellonian dynasty (14th–16th century); the far-flung Central European network of relationships, typical of its era, also serves to guide the publications’ thematic development. The volumes 1–18 were published by Jan Thorbecke and 19–21 by Böhlau. From 22 onwards they appear with Sandstein. All volumes from 19 onwards are also available in open access.

Visuelle Geschichtskultur [Visual Cultural History]
The series is programmatically oriented towards the »visual cultural history« research approach developed at the GWZO, which has reaped especially strong insights in regards to the national »Schlagbilder« (Aby Warburg’s term, c. »headline images«) of a governmental as well as party-political, civil society and religious nature. The volumes 1–18 were published by Böhlau, the volumes from 19 onwards by Sandstein. All volumes from 16 onwards are also available in open access.

Armenier im östlichen Europa – Armenians in Eastern Europe
One thing that sets the GWZO apart is its research into Armenians in Eastern Europe, the results of which it publishes in this dynamic series in German and English that has encountered a considerable demand in the academic community. The series comprises essay collections, source publications and monographs created in the narrower or broader context of the GWZO. The currently available volumes 1–6 appeared with Böhlau, volume 7 will be published by Sandstein.

Oskar Halecki Lectures
In 2001, the GWZO programmatically integrated a regular lecture to which it annually invites internationally renowned researchers and public figures. The annual lecture is named after the Polish exiled historian Oskar Halecki (1891–1973), whose work paved the way for the historical regional conception of »East-Central Europe«. These lectures are made available to the wider public as bound booklets. Volumes 2001–2013 appeared with Leipzig University Press, the volumes 2014 to 2018 with Böhlau, and from 2019 onwards with Sandstein. All volumes from 2017 onwards are also available in open access.

Leipzig Studies on the History and Culture of East-Central Europe
With this English series appearing with the CEU Press since 2014, the GWZO offers a platform to directly reach an international readership.

Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas / U Źródeł Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Published in cooperation with the Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów. The volumes present a broad spectrum of historical phenomena, observable at the dawn of East-Central European history and evidenced by written, archaeological and onomastic sources.