Team Jonathan Sandkühler

Jonathan Sandkühler, B.A.

IT System Administrator
+49 (0) 341 234264 86


Jonathan Sandkühler was born in Pforzheim. He studied Digital Humanities and Law in a joint honours degree at the Georg-August-Universität-Göttingen, and graduated with a thesis entitled “Machine Learning based Topic Modelling and semantic processing of legal texts”. From 2019 to 2023, he was a student assistant in IT support and IT administration (University of Göttingen, Department of Historical Anthropology and Human Ecology).

Jonathan Sandkühler has been IT System Administrator at the GWZO since 2024.

Work focus

  • Coordination, support and further development of the institute's IT infrastructure
  • Conception, development and project-related expansion of the network and server infrastructure
  • Planning and implementing project-specific applications and advising researchers on digital humanities components in research and transfer