
Lenka Panušková studied art history in Trnava, Slovakia and received her PhD from the Charles University in Prague in 2009. Since 2010 she has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Art History at the Czech Academy of Sciences

Since October 2024, she has been a researcher at GWZO working on the project »Bewegung – Begegnung – Konflikt: Forschungen zur transnationalen Kulturgeschichte des östlichen Europa im Übergang vom Spätmittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit (1300–1570)«.

Work focus

  • Iconography and theory of medieval art
  • illuminated manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon art, religious women and medieval female piety, gender studies
  • astronomy, astrology and diagrams in medieval manuscripts


  • September 2018: James Marrow Travel Grant, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
  • June to Sept. 2012: Moritz Csáky Scholarship, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
  • July to Nov. 2010: University of Trier, DAAD Scholarship
  • Sept. 2007 to Dec. 2008: University of Konstanz, Herbert-Quandt-Stiftung


2011 – 2015: Seminars on the iconography of medieval art and Anglo-Saxon art (BA., MA.) at the Department of English Language and ELT methodology at Charles University. 

2014 – 2015: Medieval Art between East and West: Comparative Iconography, Institute for Art History, Charles University.

2021 – 2022: Senior Lecturer (BA, MA), Institute of Art Histtory and Cultural Heritage, University of Ostrava

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