Karin Reichenbach

Dr. des. Karin Reichenbach

Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer
+49 (0) 341 97 35 583


Karin Reichenbach was born in Hoyerswerda. She studied pre- and protohistoric archaeology, historical auxiliary sciences/archival sciences and English in Leipzig and Bratislava. She worked for Saxony’s Regional Office for Archaeology [Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen] and as a research assistant within the DFG-project »Hillfort Research in Saxony and East-Central Europe from 1927-1995. Objectives and Methods of Archaeology in the 20th Century« [»Burgwallforschung in Sachsen und Ostmitteleuropa von 1927-1995. Zielsetzungen und Methoden der Archäologie im 20. Jahrhundert«] at the University of Leipzig. She was a scholarship holder of the DAAD, the German Historical Institute in Warsaw and the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (now Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie). She received her Phd from the University of Leipzig in 2020 with a thesis entitled »History of Hillfort Research in Lower Silesia from 1900 to 1970. Research Structures and Discourses of Interpretation«.

Karin Reichenbach has been a working at the GWZO on and off since 2012; since 2021 she has been a researcher in the department »Culture and Imagination«.

Work focus

  • Politics of history and memory, especially archaeology and politics
  • Public history/public archaeology
  • History and epistemology of archaeology and historiography, history and theory of science
  • Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages in East Central Europe
  • Hillfort Studies and sociology of architecture


Functions (on committees)/memberships

  • Member of European Association of Archaeologists
  • Member of the Working Group Theories in Archaeology [AG Theorien in der Archäologie (AG TidA e.V.)] (2012-2015/19 founding chair/secretary)
  • Co-representative of the Working Group Political Epistemologies of Central and Eastern Europe (PECEE) at the Society for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology [Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik e. V.]  (GWMT)



From 2014 to 2019, Karin Reichenbach was a guest lecturer on courses for the study programme Museum Studies at HTWK Leipzig and taught courses at the Chair of Pre- and Protohistory at University of Leipzig.
Since 2023, she has been teaching regularly at the University of Leipzig (Institutes for Art History, Cultural Studies and History)

Current topic of research